Khulna division, the land (divisional territory) of Mangrove, the land of white gold, the prestigious region suitable for the production of lobster, geographically is positioned at the south western part of Bangladesh and shares a border with the provincial state west Bengal of the neighboring country India. To be more specific, Khulna division shares it’s […]
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Chittagong Division
Chittagong division, the largest division of the eight administrative divisions of Bangladesh, the division with one world heritage (the longest sea beach globally), possesses eleven districts, Hundred and three sub-districts, and 986 Unions (The lowest administrative tier). Chittagong is considered “the economic capital” of the country. Chittagong division also possesses two city corporations, fifty-nine parliamentary […]
Kuakata, Undoubtedly, is something more than a blessed town, because the first imagery that was created in your brain after reading or listening the word, the name, “Kuakata” was of a beach as almost everybody in the country anyway at least heard the name and this name as in the blissful beach is a pretty […]
বাংলাদেশী মানব মাংশাসী খলীলুল্লাহ ও নূরজাহানের অমর প্রেমের উপাখ্যান

নিয়াজ মাহমুদ সাকিবঃ শৈশবের বন্ধু রবি-ডোম, আর লালবাগের খলিলুল্লাহ ওরফে খইল্লা পাগলা মিলে যেকোনো পর্দার সাইকো থ্রিলারকে হার মানাতে পারে এমন কোনো ন্যারেটিভেরই বাস্তব রচয়িতা হতে যাচ্ছে,তা কে কবে ভেবেছিলো আগে! তাও আবার বাংলাদেশের মতো জায়গায়! পুরো ৭৫ টাই যেন ছিল অভিশপ্ত! এই ১৯৭৫ সালের এপ্রিলের ৩ তারিখ, তৎকালীন দৈনিক, “দৈনিক বাংলা” প্রথম প্রতিবেদন ছাপায় […]
Mymensingh Division
Amid the publication of a government gazette on 13 October 2015, the Mymensingh division got established comprising four districts including the divisional district Mymensingh but with no official activities. Erstwhile Prime minister Sheikh Hasina proclaimed the settlement of a new administrative division “Mymensingh”, on 12 January 2015 which is the eighth division of Bangladesh and […]
Barisal division
Barisal division, renowned as the granary of Bengal, is one of the peaceful and calm divisions of the country possessing approximately no embarrassment and troublesome Surroundings (environment) has been doing excessively well with an area of thirteen thousand and six hundred and forty-four (13,644.85) square kilometres and six districts with no railway communication. The prestigious […]
Districts of Bangladesh

Districts amalgamated are nothing but a quite essential administrative stratum of the Bangladeshi administrative, organizational system. (Corresponding to the power balance of a district). A district is under the jurisdiction of a division. In 1772, the governor-general of the British East India Company to India, Warren Hastings, made the first effort to introduce the modern […]
Thakurgaon District
Thakurgaon is a district located on the north-western part of Bangladesh under the jurisdiction of Rangpur division. The district lies in between 25°40′ and 26°12′ north latitudes and in between 88°05′ and 88°39′ east longitudes. Thakurgaon is bounded by Panchagarh district on the north, Panchagarh and Dinajpur districts on the east, West Bengal of India on […]
Tangail District
Tangail, a district situated in the central region of Bangladesh, is the second largest district of Dhaka division by population and largest by area. It was a part of greater Mymensingh district before. The district is bounded by Sirajganj district on the west, Jamalpur district on the north, Mymensingh and Gazipur districts on the east, […]
Sylhet District
Sylhet, initially named as Srihatta, is also known as Jalalabad. The district is the divisional capital of the Sylhet division in the north-eastern territory of Bangladesh. Sylhet District is consist of about 3490.40 sq km area which is situated in between 24°36′ and 25°11′ north latitudes and in between 91°38′ and 92°30′ east longitudes. Total […]